Deliver GoDrive in Derbyshire.

Thank you for your interest in delivering the GoDrive program.

Thanks to funding from the Derbyshire and Derby Road Safety Partnership we're excited to offer you a unique opportunity to engage pre-learners, learners, and newly qualified drivers in an impactful road safety intervention.

GoDrive has been carefully created using behavioural science, with a trauma-informed approach that focuses on empowering young drivers. Research shows that when new drivers are equipped to take control of their own road safety, the long-term impact is far greater than methods relying on fear tactics.

The GoDrive film fits easily into a standard one-hour session, facilitating open discussions and productive group work, guided by the facilitator. Our goal is to build awareness and challenge perceptions around road safety. Join us in shaping safer road users for tomorrow. Sign up today to get started!

To access the latest version of GoDrive, simply complete the form below.

Derbyshire County Council Road Safety Team

Jackie Tyas
01629 538052

Register your session.

To make sure you’re delivering the most up-to-date version of GoDrive, with the latest facilitator notes, we ask all settings to register using the form below. On clicking ‘submit’, you’ll be taken to a page where you can access the film and facilitator notes.

We will store and use the data you provide for the purpose of providing you with the materials and support needed to deliver GoDrive. This may include sharing your data with stakeholders who can offer local or specialist support. Your data will not be shared with any third parties outside of the GoDrive partnership. Please contact us if you decide not to use GoDrive and would like your data to be removed.